Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Reflection Of Liverning In Lifeguarding - 1698 Words
There are very many activities that one would suspect have nothing to do with reading or writing. In fact 3 years ago I would have thought the same thing about lifeguarding when I decided to become a lifeguard in Jacksonville Beach. However it is very surprising how nearly all things on this planet have literate communities that are actively engaged in discourse and the lifeguarding organization that I became a member of happened to be one of them. Typically a lifeguarding organization such as Jacksonville Beach’s would fall under the same kind of literate community as any other emergency medical responder; their main discourse being on medical related topics. However, because our organization is 105 years old we have our own literate†¦show more content†¦To uphold such an aged community such as our own there must be rules, standards, and history that set this organization apart from any other life saving organization. The initial difference that exists between our or ganization and many others is the process by which you go through to join the organization. People that wish to join must take part in a 12 week recruit class that takes place every Sunday and lasts the entire day. In this class is where recruits are taught the required medical procedures such as BLS and CPR as well as proper lifeguarding techniques and the tradition behind everything we do in our organization. The recruit class alone already contains lots of tradition that has been significant for the last 100 years. For example, recruits must wear a wooden sign around their neck that is about a foot wide and 5 inches tall that says the words â€Å"Recruit (their name).†The recruits are also expected to wear all black and respect all members senior to them. During Initiation recruits are expected to complete a series of rituals that are all upheld by tradition, such as wearing a dead fish with a string tied to it around their neck. Once apart of the organization members are kept permanently unless they are discharged or resign so they never have to do the recruit class again. In the
Monday, December 16, 2019
Poverty, What Makes People Poor Free Essays
The rich, the middle class, and the poor; are described by the way we live and the amount of money one has. There are many different ways of describing what poverty is, whether it is by how you live, how much money you have, or in statistical terms. Poverty isnt always a bad thing it is just another way of living, another way of life. We will write a custom essay sample on Poverty, What Makes People Poor or any similar topic only for you Order Now There are different kinds of poverty that you can measure. There is relative poverty that can be measured to the rest of the population. Relative poverty is measuring less than fifty percent than the average income or wealth that a person has. That means that if you make less than half of what the average person makes you are poor. Relative poverty still means that you are able to survive, but not to the standard that most are at. There is also absolute poverty. This means that you are unable to provide the necessary things that you need to survive in your daily life. Things like food shelter and medical attention. This is the measure that has set The Poverty Line developed by the Social Security Administration. The current poverty line is measured at $16,588 for a family of four. The poverty line is measured by the emergency food budget times three. This means that the food that a family needs to survive multiply by three. You must think that the family must pay for their bills, mortgage, and their food with this money. Seventy percent of a families income goes to house them. According to the United States Census Service there are 34.5 million Americans that are poor. This consists of 12.7 percent of the United States population. This is an under estimate of the real poverty rate because the poverty line is very conservative. About eleven million people are just above the poverty line. United States has the highest poverty rate of the worlds industrialize countries. Some people have it worse than other people. For instance women make up two-thirds of the adult poor population. This could be the cause of many things like divorce, and poor job opportunities. Even though the men and the women get divorced the men income still tend to rise. The single parent household that is headed, by a women tend to have a high poverty rate. Twenty nine and nine tenth percent of single parent families are headed by females. African American females are three time to be poor. Black female head 40.8 percent of black households. Women earnings are seventy cents to the dollar to a male worker. Children are also affected by the single parent families and are the cause of high poverty rate. Children make up 26 percent of the United States population. But they make up forty percent of the poor population. This means that 18.9 percent of all children are poor. Fifty five percent of these children are under six years old. The infantalization of poverty is the fastest growing group in poverty. This can be caused by divorce, wedlock, or a death of a parent. Children out of wedlock are more likely to be poor than any other children. There are many myths about poverty that may lead some people on. One myth is that many people think that the poor do not want to work. In reality, 41 percent of the poor worked and 13 percent of the poor work full time. Even though some people can work forty hours a week they still cant make the poverty line. The minimum wage does not keep up with the inflation of the dollar. Only about 3.5 percent of the poor population, can work, but dont. The two earner families are also the fastest growing group in poverty. Another myth is that most people on welfare are cheating the system. This however is not the case, only about five percent actually cheat the system. This is no more than another government program. The United States is not as generous on the welfare system as it is. The fact is that the United States are very stingy about their welfare system compared to other industrialize nations. Another myth is that people live off the welfare system and doesnt want to get off of it. Most people go off of the welfare within the first two years. They dont want to be on welfare, circumstances put them on it. Like lost job, death of spouse, illness, disability, or a child at home. Some people blame the poverty on the person that is poor. Things they may say would be like, they are too lazy to work or they are taking advantage of the system. These people believe in the person blame approach. The person blame approach focuses on social problems stem from pathological defects in an individual. This approach requires a person to be repaired psychologically in order to fix the social problem. The problem with this is that there is no blame on the persons environment and the social system of society. It is very hard to isolate what has happen in a persons life that caused the problem. It is even harder to fix a persons problem. This would require too many more doctors, institutions, and medical facilities To blame the social system is to take the system blame approach. This means that you are blaming the social problems on a government, a society, and anything else that might act on an individual. System blame stems from situations in which individuals are involved. The problem with system blame is that it leaves off all the blame from the individual, saying that they have no agency, or the ability to act on ones own, no free will. The question that no one ever thinks to ask is: If we had no poverty would we still have the same kind of life. The answer is no. Poverty is a necessary form of the economic and social structure. Without poverty our society would most likely break down and inflation would sky rocket. Think if everybody had a job, money and a good standard of living. Wouldnt that make it harder to find and provide jobs. Employers would have to pay outrageous sums of money so the corporation can hire the employee. This would be a disaster because no one would need to stay at their job if there is no competition for it. The will and hard work of the citizens of this country has work to hard to throw it all away. Poverty effects not only the people who have it, but those who dont want it. In conclusion a poor person is not a diseases, not something that is contagious, but a living thing that everybody should think about. Most poor people are not a bad person, but a person that may have ran into some tough times in their life. How to cite Poverty, What Makes People Poor, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
One of the most complex and elaborate characters in The Scarlet Letter is Pearl, the daughter of Hester Prynne and Arthur Dimmesdale Essay Example For Students
One of the most complex and elaborate characters in The Scarlet Letter is Pearl, the daughter of Hester Prynne and Arthur Dimmesdale Essay One of the most complex and elaborate characters in The Scarlet Letter is Pearl, the daughter of Hester Prynne and Arthur Dimmesdale. Pearl, throughout the story, develops into a dynamic individual, as well as an extremely important symbol- one who is constantly changing. Pearl is involved in a complex history, and as a result is viewed as different and is shunned because of her mothers sin. Pearl is a living Scarlet A to Hester, as well as the reader, acting as a constant reminder of Hesters sin. Hawthorne uses vivid descriptions to characterize Pearl. She is first described as the infant; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦whose innocent life had sprung, by the inscrutable decree of Providence, a lovely and immortal flower, out of the rank luxuriance of a guilty passion. 81. From the beginning of her life she is viewed as the product of a sin, as a punishment. Physically, Pearl has a beauty that became every day more brilliant, and the intelligence that threw its quivering sunshine over the tiny features of this child. 81-82. Pearl is ravishing, with beauty that shone with deep and vivid tints a bright complexion, eyes possessing intensity both of depth and glow, and hair already of a deep, glossy brown, and which, in after years, would be nearly akin to black. Combining with her extreme beauty, are the lavish dresses that she wears. The exquisite dresses and her beauty cause her to be viewed as even stranger from the other typical Puritan children, whom are dressed in traditional clothing. As a result, she is accepted by nature and animals, and ostracized by the other Puritan children. Pearl was a born outcast of the infantile worldà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ the whole peculiarity, in short, of her position in respect to other children. 86. Pearl was not accepted by the children; her unavoidable seclusion was due to the sin of her mother. On the rare occasion that the children would show interest in Pearl she would grow positively terrible in her puny wrath, snatching up stones to fling at themà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ 87 A s a result of Pearls seclusion from society nature sympathizes with Pearl, which can be seen with the role of the sunshine in the forest. The light lingered about the lonely child, as if glad of such a playmate, 168. The sunshine is grateful for Pearl, accepting her as an equal. Hawthorne describes another sign of acceptance as the great black forestà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦became the playmate of the lonely infant. 187. Eventually it is declared, The truth seems to be, however, that the mother-forest, and these wild things which it nourished all recognized wildness in the human child. 188. Because Pearl isnt accepted by the community she takes on the characteristics of nature because nature accept her as one of its own. Pearls character lacked reference, and adaptation to the world into which she was born. The child could not be made amenable to rules. 83. This quote shows a striking resemblance in description between Pearl and nature. Pearl and nature are referred to as not adapting to Puritan society. This characteristic makes Pearl so different because she is unaffected by the community, and is a product of nature and its ways. Hawthornes descriptions and developments of the relationship between Pearl and Nature further characterizes Pearl who has been thrust out of Puritan society. The members of the Puritan society view Pearl as a weird, strange little girl, born from a sinful act. However, the characters with a closer, more in depth relationship to the child, feel differently towards Pearl. She is a strange child! I hardly comprehend her! But thou wilt love her dearly, as I do, and wilt advise me how to deal with her 186. Hester describes her unbalanced feelings and emotions to Dimmesdale. This statement shows that although Pearls quirks and oddities cause her to become strange in the eyes of others, they form into a love from Hester. This relationship between Hester and Pearl is important because both are ostracized for their irregularities and for the sin and shame of Hester. Dimmesdale responds to Hesters statement with, I have long shrunk from children, because they often show distrust- a backwardness to be familiar with me. I have even been afraid of little Pearl! 186. As Dimmesdale has been trying to find peace with himself because of his sin, he has also been attempting to develop a relationship with Pearl. However, this is impossible because he is unable to acknowledge Pearl in public. Because Pearl continuously demands public recognition seen in Chapter 19, as well as Chapter 21 Dimmesdale grows a fear towards her. Therefore, it is understood that Pearl does not accept him as a father or loved one until he acknowledges her on Election Day. Hester, again, describes her relationship with Pearl while attempting to convince the Governor to allow her to maintain Pearls mother. She is my happiness! She is my torture, none the less Pearl keeps me here in life! Pearl punishes me too! 104. This quote examines the importance of Pearl in Hesters life. She allows Hester to feel happiness, as well as serves as a constant reminder and punishment of the sin that Hester has committed. Through the quotes and feelings of the other characters the reader is able to see a more complex side of Pearl. Pearl is involved in an extremely perplexing and elaborate history and background. Pearls mother, Hester, was punished for adultery, therefore Pearl was the result of her sin. Pearl, being Hesters child as a result is involved in Hesters history as well. Pearl is brought up with only a mother, whom is ostracized from society as well. She does not know who her father is and Hester will answer none of her questions about her past. Because of her nonexistent history she naturally becomes a very curious child. She desires to know what Hester will not tell her. She is also viewed as different from the rest of the community. She lives alone with just her mother, which is extremely unusual unless she is widowed and her father is unknown to everyone, except her mother. Her unusual history and background is the cause of her curiosity, as well as her seclusion from the community. Pearl plays one of the most crucial roles in The Scarlet Letter. Hawthorne uses Pearl as an effective and dynamic character; she is a constant reminder to Hester of her sin. When we were first introduced to Pearl, she was immediately drawn to the scarlet A on Hesters bosom. But the first object of which Pearl seemed to become aware was the scarlet letter on Hesters bosom! One day, as her mother stooped over the cradle, the infants eyes had been caught by the glimmering of the gold embroidery about the letter and, putting up her little hand, she grasped at it, smiling not doubtfully, but with a decided gleam. 88. Beginning at infancy, Pearl served as a reminder of the Scarlet A on her bosom. Hawthorne shows this symbolism various times. In Chapter 7 Pearl and Hester go to the Governors house and Pearls attire inevitably reminded the beholder of the token which Hester Prynne was doomed to wear upon her bosom. It was the scarlet letter in another form; the scarlet letter endowed with life! 93. Pearl is dressed in a scarlet dress with gold fringe exactly resembling the scarlet A on Hesters bosom. Pearl had a natural inclination to focus on the scarlet letter, which is show in its fullest in Chapter 15. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Pearl took some eel-grass, and imitated, as best as she could, on her own bosom, the decoration with which she was so familiar on her mothers. The Roses of Eyam by Don Taylor EssayThis relationship between Hester and Pearl is important because both are ostracized for their irregularities and for the sin and shame of Hester. Dimmesdale responds to Hesters statement with, I have long shrunk from children, because they often show distrust- a backwardness to be familiar with me. I have even been afraid of little Pearl! 186. As Dimmesdale has been trying to find peace with himself because of his sin, he has also been attempting to develop a relationship with Pearl. However, this is impossible because he is unable to acknowledge Pearl in public. Because Pearl continuously demands public recognition seen in Chapter 19, as well as Chapter 21 Dimmesdale grows a fear towards her. Therefore, it is understood that Pearl does not accept him as a father or loved one until he acknowledges her on Election Day. Hester, again, describes her relationship with Pearl while attempting to convince the Governor to allow her to maintain Pearls mother. She is my happiness! She is my torture, none the less Pearl keeps me here in life! Pearl punishes me too! 104. This quote examines the importance of Pearl in Hesters life. She allows Hester to feel happiness, as well as serves as a constant reminder and punishment of the sin that Hester has committed. Through the quotes and feelings of the other characters the reader is able to see a more complex side of Pearl. Pearl is involved in an extremely perplexing and elaborate history and background. Pearls mother, Hester, was punished for adultery, therefore Pearl was the result of her sin. Pearl, being Hesters child as a result is involved in Hesters history as well. Pearl is brought up with only a mother, whom is ostracized from society as well. She does not know who her father is and Hester will answer none of her questions about her past. Because of her nonexistent history she naturally becomes a very curious child. She desires to know what Hester will not tell her. She is also viewed as different from the rest of the community. She lives alone with just her mother, which is extremely unusual unless she is widowed and her father is unknown to everyone, except her mother. Her unusual history and background is the cause of her curiosity, as well as her seclusion from the community. Pearl plays one of the most crucial roles in The Scarlet Letter. Hawthorne uses Pearl as an effective and dynamic character; she is a constant reminder to Hester of her sin. When we were first introduced to Pearl, she was immediately drawn to the scarlet A on Hesters bosom. But the first object of which Pearl seemed to become aware was the scarlet letter on Hesters bosom! One day, as her mother stooped over the cradle, the infants eyes had been caught by the glimmering of the gold embroidery about the letter and, putting up her little hand, she grasped at it, smiling not doubtfully, but with a decided gleam. 88. Beginning at infancy, Pearl served as a reminder of the Scarlet A on her bosom. Hawthorne shows this symbolism various times. In Chapter 7 Pearl and Hester go to the Governors house and Pearls attire inevitably reminded the beholder of the token which Hester Prynne was doomed to wear upon her bosom. It was the scarlet letter in another form; the scarlet letter endowed with life! 93. Pearl is dressed in a scarlet dress with gold fringe exa ctly resembling the scarlet A on Hesters bosom. Pearl had a natural inclination to focus on the scarlet letter, which is show in its fullest in Chapter 15. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Pearl took some eel-grass, and imitated, as best as she could, on her own bosom, the decoration with which she was so familiar on her mothers. A letter, the letter A, but freshly green, instead of scarlet! 163. Throughout Pearls continuos questions Hester has never denied the significance of the scarlet A on her bosom. However, in this scene Hester eventually has to deny its significance to Pearl after she ceaselessly confronts her mother of its significance. One of the most symbolic scenes in the novel occurs in the forest as Pearl Hester are traveling to meet Dimmesdale. Pearl remarks to Hester that the sunshine does not love you. It runs away and hides itself, because it is afraid of something on your bosom. 168. Sunshine, which symbolizes untroubled happiness, the approval of G-d and nature, rejects Hester because of her sin and the thing on her bosom. Therefore, Pearl constantly reminds her of her sin and her punishment. In one of the most dramatic scenes in the novel Pearl prevents Hester from escaping her sin and shame. Pearl bursts into a fit of passion and will not go to her mother until she puts the scarlet A back on her bosom and places her hair back underneath her cap. In the one moment that Hester attempts to escape her sin, Pearl refuses to recognize and acknowledge her until she returns to the shameful mother that she has always known. Pearl is a guiltless child, with all a childs freshness and spontaneity, however to Hester is a persistent remembrance to the scarlet A, which she must bare on her bosom. There are many continuous themes in which Pearl and her actions are large contributions to their overall portrayal. The theme of alienation, which is exhibited throughout all of the main characters, is clearly seen in the descriptions of Pearl. Pearl is always unaccepted by the community which has already been addressed; she is shunned because of her mothers sin. This can easily be viewed by analyzing the many various ways she is described by Hawthorne, by being weird and eerie, having imaginary friends, and continuously being called elf-child. She is ostracized and alienated from the Puritan society and the children of the community, contributing largely to the theme of alienation. Another theme in which she contributes to is the theme of beauty and its portrayal. So smooth and quiet that it reflected a perfect image of her little figure, with all the brilliant picturesqueness of her beauty, in its adornment of flower and wreathed foliage, but more refined and spiritualized than the reality. 190. This quote describes the beauty that Pearl has attained while she is playing in the forest and Hester and Dimmesdale talk. Her natural beauty is enhanced as she approaches Hester and Dimmesdale, her mother and father. This beauty brings together the theme of love, that is present between the three, as well as the importance of shame. While Pearl approaches her mother, whom is not wearing the scarlet A and whose hair is down, she refuses to acknowledge her without her A and capped hair. This shows Pearls dissent for beauty as a solution to sin, which is expressed in the first few chapter when Hester is lightly punished for her adultery. Because of Pearls banishment from Puritan society she was thrown to another way of life and her wildness and peculiarity is a direct product of her banishment. Her character acts as a mysterious and interesting symbol in The Scarlet Letter. Pearl is an important character, as she is a constant reminder to Hester, as well as to the reader, of the constant sin of Hester. She contributes largely to the themes of the noel through her peculiar history. The one character that seems to play the most uninvolved role in the noel, is one of the most intense symbols and individual throughout.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Let’s Get You an Outstanding Healthy Eating Argumentative Essay
You might be eating healthy but dont have a clue on the structure of a healthy eating argumentative essay. Well, how about we make you a jack of all trades, you get to lead a healthy lifestyle while at the same time be a great healthy eating argumentative essay writer. With us are some of the tips on how to compose an outstanding healthy eating writing that will be of great help. Before we go ahead to tackle the guide, it would be best if we first give you a brief overview of what healthy eating is generally about. Read on! The challenge with human beings that a more significant fraction of the people is that complicated and this makes eating healthy not a simple task to carry out. Deep down theres a notion guiding you that the human body is like an automobile; you ought to eat to power it, but then again if you look keenly youd notice that human beings are making food choices on the grounds of self-satisfaction. What does your tongue and mind find sweet? To some extent, the eating experience is quite pleasurable that we find ourselves settling for tasty foods forgetting the fact that theyll, later on, end up messing our health. The amount we take in is also an issue, at times we take in too much, and we both know what this leads to obesity, which is in itself significant health risk. Not forgetting, eating too much is also a form of depression. If the above has raised your eyebrows, lets go ahead and see the advantages of a healthy lifestyle. Are you just eating for satisfaction or are you eating healthy? The guide to this will be for you to understand why our bodies require feeding. Its a fact; people eat to provide nutritional benefits for their bodies, to power their bodies, assist with the healing process, facilitate various metabolic activities and so on. Just like fueling your car, the human body as well needs to be powered to function effectively. If you are driving a car and it is powered by diesel fuel; you wont be a fool to fill the tank with petrol, would you. The same applies to the human body; you cant be ingesting just any food but only that which is beneficial to the body. Its quite common that most individuals are excellent when it comes to composing their statements for, but shifting to healthy eating essay writing, it turns out to be a significant challenge. You are familiar with what the healthy eating discipline is all about, and yet you still cant do well in your paper. Knowing what to write has never been an issue; how to write it is the biggest challenge students are facing. Finding an effective and convincing way to put across the information you have can be the best skill you need to possess a healthy eating argumentative essay writer. The healthy eating essays are shorter than the other personal statement, but then again they come with more detail on why you find healthy eating more appealing than the other disciplines. Healthy eating comes down to individual self-discipline, in some instances it wont be a fun experience, but you still need to abide by it. The information on healthy eating needs to spread across the world for people to well informed on what healthy eating is all about. A good way this can be effectively achieved is through a healthy eating and nutrition essay. Were here to help you get that work done. Healthy Eating Argumentative Essay Having given you some information on healthy eating we bet you are already eating healthy, ha! But thats beside the point, lets now go ahead and check out the process of healthy eating and nutrition essay writing; Create a Focus for Your Work In some situations, youll have to consider settling for healthy eating essay topics youre more comfortable with which is a better option as compared to the recommended staying in line with what the healthy eating argumentative essay writing is asking of you. Well, this can be tempting, but at the end of the day, youll have to pay for the mistakes you make. You might as well go ahead and give in to the temptations and come up with a fantastic write up that on a typical day would award you top marks. But, whats the point of composing a great healthy eating and nutrition essay if its not answering the assignment question. Such will cost you in the end; the instructor will penalize you for that and keep you from a good grade because you didnt follow the instructions, we both dont want that, do we! To help you with this, here is a guided way to approach healthy eating essay topics; Make good use of the keywords; most writers tend to use some of these keywords to help tailor their writing towards addressing the assignment question. Check out some of the arising themes and assumptions in these words and use them as a guide to your healthy eating essay example. Ingenuity; if by chance you might have written a similar healthy eating essay before, you might be tempted to rewrite the same and submit. Not unless the previous essay is directly answering the question, which in most instances is rare, always strive to come up with native writing. Thought process; you ought to brainstorm on healthy eating. Go through some of the previously written works on the same to help you think through and come up with working ideas for your healthy eating essay outline. The Structure of the Healthy Eating Essay As its common among other forms of academic writings, healthy eating essay outline also uses the same approach of introduction, body, and conclusion when it comes to the healthy eating essay example structure. First is the introductory paragraph; this is the starting section of the healthy eating essay writing. As a writer, youre expected to do your best in this section and hook the instructor into wanting to read more of your healthy eating and nutrition essay. Theres only one introduction, and if you fail at it, chances are you wont perform well in the overall healthy eating argumentative essay. The purpose of the introduction is to give a brief overview of what the healthy eating essay will major on. In addition, the student is also expected to include thesis statement. This statement functions to make a declaration or bring out your point of view. A good thesis statement is composed of two clauses, an independent and dependent clause, all work together, one makes the declaration, and the other supports it. Present tangible evidence. Ensure that what youre presenting to your readers in undeniable, something they cant be in a position to refute. This will work towards gaining your readers confidence, and we both know where this leads to. Make good use of the title. The title of the paper works more like a healthy eating essay thesis statement or the issues related to healthy eating youre trying to address. Ensure you come up with working and robust thesis statement. A good thesis should contain both the dependent and independent clause; some good sentence that makes a claim and defends it. Of note; the thesis statement is typically placed by the conclusion of the introductory paragraph and therefore be on the lookout for this to avoid disrupting the flow of ideas. Moving forward to the next section of the essay structure is the body paragraphs. This is the discussion of the essay. To begin with, you ought to give a topic sentence; this should provide the direction of the body section. The other parts of the body will work to support the declarations of the topic sentence or expound on it by through presenting pieces of evidence and findings you came across during your prewriting research. This should be much, simply because the science of healthy eating is based on facts and not stories you might wish to include. Nobody is interested with your opinionated stories; leave that for a different type of academic writing, maybe a preparatory composition asking you to write about your first day in school. Stick to mentioning relevant facts and that aim at developing the main idea in the topic sentence. Finally, here comes the last part which is the conclusion. It sums up everything. Youve mentioned lots of information on healthy eating, supportive evidence, your own opinions and now its time to wrap it up. Come up with a brief and targeted summary of what you just mentioned without any new information. A good idea is to make recommendations based on what you wrote. Stick to this healthy eating and nutrition essay structure, and you can be sure of delivering a discussion with a logical flow of ideas, and that will earn you top marks. While at this; Come up with a working plan; dont be quick to jump into writing the healthy eating argumentative essay. Take your time to come up with a working plan on how youll approach the whole writing process. A quick sketch on what ought to be included in all the three sections of the essay writing structure can be an excellent way to start with. Consider writing the introduction last; coming up with a mistake-free perfect introduction is quite demanding and most times ends up being time-consuming. You might be under duress and chances are you might spend most of your time in this section of the paper. To avoid this, its good practice to write the introduction last. This will give you an upper hand, the reason being youll be versed on what your paper focused on, and this will enable you to come up with a focused introduction starting from the topic sentence to the thesis statement. Practice writing; with adequate and constant practice, you become good at what youre doing. Well, does this apply to your case? Adopt the habit of practicing to write on healthy eating essay topics until you grasp and master the basics that contribute to an excelling healthy eating argumentative essay. This will give you the confidence to tackle the healthy eating essay writing and excel in it better yet the exceptional skill that youll gain from the process. Take Home Message Here are take-home points you ought to at least remember when youre drafting your paper. Are you familiar with some of the healthy eating terminologies used in the field of healthy diets? Well, you need to step up our game and get to know this. Be on the watch and keep note of the fact that the information you give is not the focus of the essay but rather the evidence you present is what will win you top marks. Any assumptions you make in your healthy eating essay needs to be supported by substantiating evidence to prove its validity. Remember, youre dealing with living beings that are quite sensitive to health, therefore caution on what you choose to write and make assertions on needs to as a result of careful consideration before you finally compose your healthy eating argumentative essay. Take the objective approach to your writing. For you to actualize this, you need to avoid excesses. Sieve the information to deliver only the essential elements of healthy eating in your healthy eating essay topics. An excellent hack, look into formulating at least two separate drafts. Good essays are secondary to thorough revision and proofreading! Apply the formal approach when composing your healthy eating and nutrition essay; avoid idiomatic expressions at all costs. You need to bear in mind that healthy eating is a science, and with that comes the standard approachable ways to healthy eating essay writing. Conclusion There you go! Still having challenges with your healthy eating and nutrition essay? You can always look forward to help from your senior colleagues or seek clarifications from your instructor. All the best in your paper! Wed like you to share with us some insights on healthy eating and nutrition essay writing.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Essay about case study
Essay about case study Essay about case study Principles Of Health and Social Care Unit 2 Contents page: 1. Introduction 2. Task two (2.1, 2.2 & 2.3) 3. Task three (3.1, 3.2 & 3.3) 4. Task four (4.1, 4.2 & 4.3) 1. Introduction The purpose of this assignment is to ensure that values and principles that support health and social care settings are being understood. Also understanding of policy, codes of practice, regulation and legislation impact on health sector, theories in health care practice and how to develop and implement organizational policy. 2. Case study: â€Å"In our care home, some time ago a program has been implemented, in a hope that service users with an early stage of mental illnesses can live an independent life at their home. The program uses a small electronic device which can be attached to a cloth item, and gives the freedom to its wearer to walk out between 11 am and 8 pm. In case that a service user wearing this tag get missing, he can be tracked by satellite and never get lost. Such is the case to Mr. M, a 65 year pensioner, well fit and a sociable person who is suffering from an early stage of dementia, and lives with his daughter who is his protector. His daughter is happy to know that with a tag attached, his father can live an independent life, but despite her efforts, Mr. M forgets his tag and very often, he is found outside wondering without his tag. As a result, our care home suggests that Mr. M may need full care supervision. However, Mr. M doesn’t want to feel like a hostage in his own home. †Care workers have to consider, follow and implement theories, policies, procedures and legislations in order to deliver the best service in care system. Every care setting has a Code of Practice who includes employers’ responsibilities and requires care workers adherence to their code, supporting social workers to understand and implement their code and taking actions when care workers do not comply with the care home code. As a care worker, implementing and following the procedures, policies and legislations within my care home, it is a must in order to deliver a good care. Bearing in mind person-centred approach, a therapy developed by psychologist Dr .Carl Rogers, which is based on focusing on the person you care for, his rights, desires, needs and goals, means that Mr. M may be above priorities in our care home. In Mr. M case, his desire is to stay home with his daughter, where he feels more independently, and he does not want to wear his tag just because he feel his spending time outside is too short, since he likes going to cinema in evenings, and his outside time does not allow him to stay too late. Therefore, in my report, I write Mr. M wishes and present his case to my manager. Since he doesn’t represent a danger to Essay about case study Essay about case study 1. Pantone’s color-management systems can definitely be used for regular consumers. The creation of the smart phone has opened many doors for different companies to expand into the consumer market; with Pantones I-phone and android apps you can Isolate and identify any colors within a picture. Another way Pantone is reaching into the consumer market is not in this article but is a system my wife uses on a regular basis, it is color matching of paints for houses and furniture, pantone has created an app with the ability to build color palettes you can take with you anywhere and even share them through the app. 2. For many years, the Pantone Matching System has served as the standard in color matching and identification, with 1,114 solid, codified Pantone colors. There is definitely a derived demand for Pantones color management system. Many businesses use the system to help produce consumer products. Pantone also does a very good job at forecasting popular colors for each upcoming fashion season. 3. Pantone management Systems is definitely operating a service type business. They provide a very specific service to their customers, by offering there color formulas, palettes, as well as providing consulting services for businesses and giving advice in color palettes and how to use color. The article I chose to read for this week’s assignment was â€Å"Ethics in Social Network Marketing†by David Skul. In the article David talks about how unethical no-targeted spam marketing has really backfired for retailers. He mentions that when marketing through social networks you are joining a community, and with any community business does have its place but does not have the right to invade people’s privacy. You must also become a part of that community, get involved in groups, contribute, communicate and make friends that are interested in what you have to sell. There are many opportunities when marketing through social networks such as Facebook and Myspace. Do not overdue your ads to mislead or lure visitors, also do not criticize competitors’ products, simply point out
Friday, November 22, 2019
How to Organize Your Remote Team for Better Collaboration and Increased Results
How to Organize Your Remote Team for Better Collaboration and Increased Results Remote work is the new black. More and more specialists understand the pros of remote work for their productivity and professional growth, choosing this type of employment today. To be specific, around two-thirds of global employees work remotely. And while 44% of global companies don’t allow remote work, small ones are twice as likely to hire remote specialists. Why? Remote teams demonstrate better focus and productivity. They have a better work-life balance, 82% less stress, and more opportunities for professional development. Marketers or business owners, we all want to work with the best professionals, right? So we need to understand all the hidden pros and cons of managing a team of remote workers. Are we sure we know who they are? What makes them different from freelancers? And, after all, are we ready to build and work with a remote team for better business results? In this post, youll find the detailed profile of a remote specialist, get the idea of how to organize your everyday work with them, and know how to check their performance and motivate them to work even better. Sure enough, it goes with actionable tips and tools for organizing your remote teams work processes for max result. Templates to Manage a Remote Team Before getting into the nuts and bolts of this post, check out some templates to make managing a remote team easier. You’ll find: A creative brief template to improve communication. An Agile standup template to improve daily syncs. A Marketing Calendar Template to set and meet all your deadlines. Freelancers vs. Remote Workers Some managers confuse remote workers with freelancers, but these two categories of specialists are far from the same. Freelancers have no employment obligations. You make a deal, asking a freelancer to do some work on your project; you discuss requirements and deadlines, and that's it. Freelancers work according to their own schedule, can choose projects from multiple brands, and invoice you based on their rates and fees. Remote workers are your full-time employees who are just absent in the office physically. They are free to work remotely from anywhere in the world but have a fixed working schedule and monthly salary. They can't work for other brands. In plain English, it's an office job that's not in the office. Your remote worker should clearly understand what goals they'll achieve in the workplace, what skills they'll get, and what they can give to your brand. Remote specialists need to realize they want to work for your company. With all that, they'll create cool things, outstanding and appreciated by others. They should have creative thinking and independent decision-making: as a manager, you don't have the time nor the opportunity to answer constant questions; and your remote workers don't have time to ask tons of questions since they can’t just drop by your desk whenever. That said, they need to exhibit good decision-making skills as not to slow down the work process. Around two-thirds of global employees work remotely at some point during the week. Here are the...Why It's Awesome to Work With Remote Teams Reasons are many, but the top five are: Remote Workers are Result-oriented They understand that the company is giving them something they truly value†¦ the ability to work remotely. This creates a great deal of loyalty and the desire to prove their worth so remote workers are often high-performers that produce great results. You Open Your Doors to the Best Talent The global state of remote work allows you to find and hire specialists from all over the world. You don't choose from 10 or 100 people in your local market, but thousands across the world. It's specifically handy to have local knowledge when promoting your marketing campaigns abroad. You Get a Chance to Organize all Business Processes Better For efficient work with remote teams, you need to organize, plan, structure, and manage everything up and down. It's your opportunity to fix drawbacks and improve your existing processes. You Have a Better Chance of Attracting Gen Y and Z By 2025, Millennials will occupy 75% of the workplace; and by 2020, 36% of employees will be Gen Z. These are generations known as life hackers, global citizens, entrepreneurial spirits, and individualistic. They look for flexible work hours, desire to travel the world, and want a job that wouldn't nail them down to one location. That said, remote work becomes the top option for them. Your Employees Will be Happier Allowing your employees to work remotely creates happier employees. They aren’t subjects to many of the stress-related aspects of an office job like long commutes, they travel more and live how they want, and they appreciate that. So, as a rule, remote workers are more loyal to your business organization.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
The Dogs Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
The Dogs - Research Paper Example This paper "The Dogs" focuses on the relationship between man and dog. With time, the relationship has also became remarkable as it has extended as compared to the relationships that man might have with other men making the relationship easily attainable than the latter. The communicative aspect between man and dogs has also evolved in that man has constantly developed skills that have made relations between man and dog more effective as dogs have gradually replaced children as part of a complete family (Derr 4). The relationship between humans and canines has experienced evolution through training and interbreeding. The communicative aspect between man and dogs has also evolved in that man has constantly developed skills that have made relations between man and dog more effective as dogs have gradually replaced children as part of a complete family. In relation to the history of dogs, Catherine Johns’ article is one of the best literature pieces that emphasize how the relatio nship between people and man developed into what is visible today. In this article, Johns illustrates that dogs were initially wild animals that man had to domesticate to make him feel safer as he went out to hunt in the wild. In this article, the author also gives an explanation as to how dogs lost their intensive canine nature to tamed domestic animals. Ideally, man and dog’s relationship ties date back to the ancient times in which man went hunting with dogs that helped the man in bringing down resisting animals. ... On the other hand, Olmert Meg shares a divergent view over the explanation of how human and man relationships states that resulted in which this author inclines that it was psychosocial. This is contrary to Johns view that man had to interbreed and over breed dogs with certain species in order to create the perfect companion. Olmert suggests that the connection between people and dogs goes beyond the physical aspect rather it encompasses emotions and mammalian hormones. Therefore, Olmert asserts that the relationship had inclination to trust and socially related cognition. This is evident in mammals in the same way that mothers have a connection to their newly born infants. However, the second part of John’s book illustrates the exploitative forms that the relationships between dogs and people have taken, which is a down side of domestication. For instance, dogs have become tools for research and in some societies are complementing aspects of diet. With this, Johns gives the d ifferent ways in which dogs assisted man in different societies in which they were hunting gurus in some societies, which Johns illustrates through various paintings structured within the book (Johns 35). Derr also gives another angle to this remarkable relationship that he intimates that it has superseded the relationship that humans have between themselves. In most westernized societies, dogs have replaced the need by many to having children as they have become friendlier as compared to the deteriorating relationships between man and fellow man. Additionally, most homes in America have also made dogs to form part of their families because of their welcoming and friendly nature. Derr seems to be in
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Insurance case studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Insurance case studies - Essay Example I would not approve Mr. Farid’s application for income protection insurance because he already had a heart valve disorder. Considering the nature of his job and the insurance cover he is taking, I would not accept his application because he does not abide by the principle of utmost good faith. Also, Mr. Farid provides information that is not in accordance with his daily tasks. Prudent Insurance Inc. should deny the claim and not pay Mr. Farid. Mr. Farid took advantage of the broker’s lack of knowledge about his job description and the various tasks that he executes. Mr. Farid does not obey the doctrine of utmost good fait, and even says he is a director at general merchandise Selling Company. The policy compensates the insured against accident and illness that makes him or her to terminate work. In the case of Mr. Farid, his condition may have resulted form the fact that his heart valve was already ill at the time he was taking the insurance policy. He did not stop working as a result of the insured risks. The number of activities Mr. Farid submitted, with their corresponding hours are not enough to cause him terminate his job. The principle of utmost good faith requires the insured to disclose all material facts to the insurer or broker. This applies regardless of the fact that the insurer asked specific questions or not. Mr. Green is bound by this doctrine of insurance to have provided all details concerning himself, including a domestic dispute that took place in January 2009. The contract law requires the policyholder to disclose all information particularly that which may affect the decision of the prudent insurer (Skipper & Kwon, 2007). The underwriter would have reconsidered accepting to cover Mr. Green, as well as the amount of premium to charge on the risk (UNLOCK, 2011). Also, the underwriter may rule the contract null and the
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Argument Paper on Exercise Essay Example for Free
Argument Paper on Exercise Essay 1-The Benefits of Exercise and Sports Participation for Kids- e Diet Star This article focuses how benefitical it is for young kids to participate in sports and to exercise regularly. It talks about how exercise and sports offer social relationships, physical challenges and honest competition. Also, exercise and sports can increase a child’s self-esteem and academic performance while preventing the chances of disease or drug use. All these things can help the development of children by not only making them healthy but giving them life experience. 2-Fitness Benefits For Teens- This article list the specifics on the benefits for teens to be fit. It says that physical activity doesn’t have to be time consuming but it is necessary for everyone. Some of the facts about teen exercise given by this article are that nearly half of American children ages twelve through twenty-one are not regularly active. About fourteen percent of young people report no physical activity at all. Also, only nineteen percent of all high school students are active for twenty minutes or more, five days a week. The main focuses point of the article are the physical activity helps build healthy bones, muscles and joints. It helps control weight, build lean muscle, and reduce fat. 3-Find Mind-Blowing Benefits of Exercise- This article tries to get a point across, it starts by saying that exercise isn’t all about getting toned abs and losing weight but that it makes you feel happy. There are five main points that this article talks about. The first once talks about how exercise reverses the detrimental effects of stress. Second, it talks about how exercise can help get rid of depression. Next, it is discussed how exercise can improve learning by increasing brain chemicals called growth factors. Furthermore, exercise builds self-esteem and improves your body image. Lastly, it leaves you feeling euphoric which means that the push and intensity of a workout makes you feel happy and excited.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Photography in Advertising and its Effects on Society Essay examples --
Photography in Advertising and its Effects on Society Memory has been and always will be associated with images. As early as 1896, leading psychologists were arguing that memory was nothing more than a continuous exchange of images. (Bergson) Later models of memory describe it as more of an image text; a combination of space and time, and image and word. (Yates) Although image certainly is not the only component of memory, it is undoubtedly an integral and essential part of memory’s composition.      Photography was first utilized over 100 years ago in an attempt to preserve life as it existed before the industrial revolution. Over time photography has gradually corrupted memory in a variety of ways, despite its original intention to preserve it. From there, photography has evolved to become a pressing threat not only to memory, but also to consciousness.      As seen in paintings of battle scenes and portraits of wealthy Renaissance aristocracy, people have always strived to preserve and document their existence. The creation of photography was merely the logical continuum of human nature’s innate desire to preserve the past, as well as a necessary reaction to a world in a stage of dramatic and irreversible change. It is not a coincidence that photography arose in major industrial cities towards the end of the nineteenth century.      The industrial revolution created the societal circumstances necessary for photography to be born. The first and most obvious condition is that of technological advancement. Industry was advancing and expanding so rapidly that history appeared to be distancing itself from the present with unusual speed. Up until this time period life had not changed much from decade to decade or even from century to century. Photography’s popularity during the industrial revolution was, in large part, a result of people’s desire to slow down the perceived acceleration of history (McQuire). It has been argued that the acceleration of historical time is â€Å"leading to the possible industrialization of forgetting†and that â€Å"we will not only miss history†¦we will also long to go back to space and times past.†(Virilio)      The desire to stop time and preserve the way things were are the primary reasons why the majority of photography in the late nineteenth century focused on documenting dying traditions, practices, and ways of life... ...dvertising.†Picturing the Past: Media History & Photography. Ed. Bonnie Brennen, Hanno Hardt. Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1999. 158-181. Freund, Gisele. Photography & Society. Boston: David R. Godine, 1980. How Much Information?. 9 May 2002. University of California. Kramer, Edith. â€Å"The Art Therapists Third Hand: Reflections on Art, Art Therapy, and Society at Large.†American Journal of Art Therapy Feb. 1986: 71-86. Liss, Andrea. Tresspassing Through Shadows: Memory Photography & The Holocaust. Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press, 1998. McQuire, Scott. Visions of Modernity. London: Sage Publications 1998. Miller, Denise., et al. Photograpy’s Multiple Roles. New York: Distributed Art Publishers, 1998. Schwartz, Donna. â€Å"Objective Representation: Photographs as Facts.†Picturing the Past: Media History & Photography. Ed. Bonnie Brennen, Hanno Hardt. Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1999. 158-181. Sontag, Susan. On Photography. New York: Anchor Books Doubleday, 1973. Virilio, Paul. The Art of the Motor. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1995. Yates, Frances. The Art of Memory. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1966.
Monday, November 11, 2019
A Separate Peace †Denial of Truth Essay
The novel A Separate Peace focuses mainly around a 17 year old named Gene Forrester and his psychological development. The story is set in a boys boarding school in USA during World War II. There are four main boys in the novel and they all undergo major character changes through the story. One of them goes crazy, and the others experience severe attitude changes. Gene is caught right in the center of these changes. He is very close with all of the other three boys, and thus all of the changes affect him very much. Due to all the tension occurring in this novel because of the war and events going on at the school, there is a lot of denial of truth happening. Three of the four boys mentioned earlier deny the truth at sometime in the story. This denying of truth sometimes ends with the person who committed the fault in a bad condition at the end of the book, and sometimes in good condition. So it can be said that there were both positive and negative results for each of the denials of the truth, but these will be explained more in-depth in the following paragraphs. Although it starts after half the book is finished, one of the major examples of denying the truth in the novel is Finny denying the reality of the war. Though it is disclosed at the end that Finny knew all along about the war, he succeeds, after a little time, in making Gene truly believe in the non-existence of the war (although Gene claims that he did not really believe the story, his behavior around his classmates and his actions say otherwise). The first result we see of this denial is Finny’s confession of his bitterness towards the world because of his loss. This destroys the image we have of Finny as a â€Å"perfect†person because it shows that he blames the world for his accident. It also stuns Gene so much that he begins to do pull-ups, even though he has never done even ten before. With Finny’s verbal help, Gene manages to do thirty. This solidifies the friendship between them. After this moment, Finny decides to take Gene into his confidence and tells him he wanted to go to the 1944 Olympics, but that Gene will have to go instead, and goes on to start training Gene. Finally, after many mornings of hard training, Gene finally â€Å"[finds] his rhythm†. Superficially, it can be said that due to Finny’s ruse about the war, Gene became very athletic. A deeper study shows that the incident is much more meaningful than this. It symbolizes Gene coming into his own. The author writes that Finny â€Å"seemed older that morning? he seemed smaller too. Or perhaps it was only that I, inside the same body, had felt myself all at once grown bigger†. It may also be said that on this morning Finny (a model of athleticism) became part of Gene. So, it can be seen that Finny’s denying the reality of the war was truly one of the more important examples of denial of truth in the novel because it resulted in, among other things, a greater bonding between Finny and Gene and shattered the image of Finny being truly composed and serene. Another example of denial of truth would be Leper. Leper, as is obvious throughout the story, continuously denies reality. He is very often be in his own ? dream world’, and when he isn’t he is shy and hesitant to show his true feelings. This was likely because he was â€Å"difficult not to make fun of†. For example, at the beginning of the book, when he claims Gene’s jump was better than Finny’s and is rebutted by Finny, â€Å"he didn’t argue or refuse. He didn’t back away. He became inanimate†. There are also many examples of his not being conscious of his surroundings. One of them is when Gene is thinking about him when he sees him on his way to clearing railroads. Gene recalls that while most of the boys are listening to the announcements, Leper â€Å"made little sketches of birds and trees in the back of his notebook†. Then, when Gene strolls up to talk to Leper, Leper comments about skiing paths. Someone choosing to ski over helping clear a major railroad in the middle of the greatest war of all time is quite odd. He is not even skiing anywhere in particular, just skiing to see nature. He also disagrees strongly with downhill skiing, because it takes away from viewing nature. He thinks that only nature matters and the entire world is as peaceful and going as slowly as he is. Later on, when Leper is considering joining the army, we see more of this denial of reality. He chooses to join a branch of the army that he once thought â€Å"ruined†skiing. He actually believes that when he enlists he will spend all of his time skiing down slopes. This shows that he does not truly understand the seriousness of the issue. Although the positive points of Leper’s denial of truth are much smaller than the negative ones, they do exist. Due to his denial of truth early on in the book, Leper went partially insane near the end of the book, but it can be seen at many points in the book that Leper finally gained some assertiveness and shed aside his timid personality. The next example of denial of truth is Finny’s denial of the evil in other people. Finny represents the goodness that is in human beings. Because he is so good, he has difficulty understanding how other people can have evil in them. This denial of truth gets him into a sorry state at the end of the book. There is an indication of his truthfulness early on in the book, when Gene comments that â€Å"Finny always said what he happened to be thinking, and if this shocked people then he was surprised†. Finny is the guy who is always calm and nice. He is so surprised when Gene confesses to him that he purposely caused Finny to fall out of the tree that he refuses to even believe Gene, and calls him a â€Å"damn fool†. Even prior to this, when Gene sees Finny in the school infirmary, Finny tells Gene about how he thought that there might have been some foul play up in the tree when he fell, then immediately apologizes to Gene for having that feeling without even waiting for Gene to check the legitimacy of this feeling. Afterwards, on the first day of the actual school year, Finny calls Gene to talk to him. When Gene claims that he was â€Å"crazy†and â€Å"over the falls†, Finny doesn’t refute this, and even goes as far as to apologize once again for thinking that Gene was perfectly serious. With his open, honest nature, Finny cannot truly accept that Gene, who he considers his best friend, pushed him off the tree. Finny’s reluctance here can also be compared to another incident in the book. After hearing about Leper going crazy, Finny says, â€Å"I guess I always knew [about the war], but I didn’t have to admit it†. Finny knows that Gene really had caused the accident, but he refuses to admit it and represses it so much that he literally forgets about it. Thus, when Brinker organizes the trial and it is proven (with evidence from Leper) that Gene did cause him to fall, it devastates Finny, and he rushes out of the Assembly Room, slips on the marble stairs, breaks his leg, and later, dies. However, if Finny had not denied the truth about evil in others and had openly challenged Gene, then the story would be much different, and Gene would not have gone through the serious mental development that he did. The final example of denial of truth in the story is Gene’s reluctance to acknowledge the evil in him. There are many examples in the story other than Gene pushing Finny out of the tree that show the evil in Gene. Gene feels a lot of resentment towards Finny for all the things that Finny gets away with. One of these things is when Finny wears his pink emblem to school classes. He is questioned by â€Å"the sternest of the Summer Session masters, old Mr. Patch-Withers†, but gets away with it. Gene even admits that Finny’s ability to get out of trouble makes him envious, but claims that it is okay to be jealous of a friend, but the next incident proves otherwise. Finny often wears ties to replace belts, but on the day of the term tea makes the mistake of wearing the school tie as a belt. When Mr. Patch-Withers sees this, Gene â€Å"[becomes] unexpectedly excited†because â€Å"[Finny] wasn’t going to get away with it†. When Finny does not get in trouble, Gene is disappointed and says, â€Å"Phineas was going to get away with even this†. Gene’s reluctance to acknowledge the evil in him is proven later in the book when Leper says that Gene â€Å"? always [was] a savage underneath†and Gene kicks the chair out from underneath him. Gene cannot accept the truth. In this way he is similar to Finny, although the reason why is completely different. Because Gene cannot believe that there is evil in him, he tries to tell himself that everybody else is evil and thinks that everyone is out to get him. Because he believes this, when Finny breaks the school swimming record, and refuses to tell anyone or do it officially, Gene says he is â€Å"too good to be true†. This is because Finny’s behavior contradicts Gene’s perception of Finny as having evil in him and it shocks Gene. Another time when Gene’s true viewpoint is shown is when he asks Finny if he would mind if he got the highest mark in the class. Finny replies, with obvious sarcasm, â€Å"I’d kill myself out of jealous envy†, but Gene takes it completely seriously, and hides his true feelings from Finny. Gene even acknowledges that he does not know everything that there is to know about him and that there are still hidden parts of himself. But he says that these parts could contain â€Å"the Sad Sack, the outcast or the coward†. Gene does not mention the possibility of evil in him here or at any other time before Finny’s death. The good and bad points for this denial of truth are very similar to the ones for the previous example. Although Gene does not suffer for his refusal to accept the evil in him, Finny does, but only when he breaks his leg, and not when he dies. All of these people react to their various crises in different ways. For example, Leper â€Å"[emerged] from a protective cloud of vagueness only to meet it? and so give up the struggle absolutely†, while Brinker â€Å"[develops] a careless general resentment against it†. It is interesting to note that all of the examples of denial of truth in the book end with the character in question facing a total attitude change. Leper becomes partially insane and much more assertive. Gene understands his feelings much better and is a changed person. It is like when Finny died some of his serenity entered Gene. Because he denied the war’s existence, Finny caused Gene to stay away from all their other friends (Brinker, Chet, etc. ) and only talk to him. With Finny’s denying evil in other people it is a little bit more complicated. With each successive fall, it was like Finny’s character fell too. For example, after the first fall, the bitterness in Finny was shown and he also knowingly lies to Gene about the war. After the second fall, however, there is a bigger difference. He attempts to hide his pain at the ? trial’, but after falling again, he can no longer mask his anger with Gene, and shows this when Gene comes to visit him in the night. He tries to attack Gene, but cannot get out of his bed to get near him. Finny has ? fallen’ from his state of perfection and is like a normal person. He does show, however, that he still has the ability to forgive when he sees Gene for the last time.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Ritz Carlton áase Study
The history of The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, L.L.C. originates with The Ritz-Carlton, Boston. The standards of service, dining and facilities of this Boston landmark serve as a benchmark for all Ritz-Carlton hotels and resorts worldwide. The legacy of The Ritz-Carlton, Boston begins with the celebrated hotelier Cesar Ritz, the â€Å"king of hoteliers and hotelier to kings.†His philosophy of service and innovations redefined the luxury hotel experience in Europe through his management of The Ritz Paris and The Carlton in London. The Ritz-Carlton, Boston revolutionized hospitality in America by creating luxury in a hotel setting: Private bath in each guest roomLighter fabrics in the guest room to allow for more thorough washing White tie and apron uniforms for the wait staff, black tie for the Maitre d’ and morning suits for all other staff, conducive to a formal, professional appearance Extensive fresh flowers throughout the public areasA la carte dining, providing ch oices for diners Gourmet cuisine, utilizing the genius and cooking methods of Auguste Escoffier Intimate, smaller lobbies for a more personalized guest experienceCesar Ritz died in 1918 but his wife Marie continued the expansion of hotels bearing his name. In the United States, Albert Keller bought and franchised the name and established The Ritz-Carlton Investing Company. In 1927 The Ritz-Carlton, Boston, opened and other hotels followed in New York (at Madison and 54th), Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Atlantic City and Boca Raton, followed by the Miami hotels including the south beach location. However, by 1940 none of the hotels were operating except The Ritz-Carlton, Boston. The hotel embodies the vision of Cesar Ritz, Yankee ingenuity and Boston social sensibilities.The Ritz-Carlton south beach resort was first created in 1953 with the acquisition and restoration of the Morris Lapidus-designed Di Lido Hotel in Miami's South Beach district. The new resort featured 375 rooms; a 16,000 -sq.-ft. spa located on the third level; and 20,000 sq. ft. of meeting space, including a 10,000-sq.-ft. ballroom capable of seating up to 1,000 guests. The historic restoration retains the exterior flavor of the Morris Lapidus design, characterized as Art Moderne or MiMO (for Miami Modern). A three-story addition on top of the existing eight-story hotel, along with the incorporation of other surrounding buildings into the new resort, brings the Ritz-Carlton to approximately 500,000 sq. ft. These futures along with the rich history of the building make this hotel resort one of a kind and a must see destination.II. Company ProfileThe Ritz-Carlton South Beach hotel lies on Miami’s most famous beach and is located just steps from Ocean Drive and Lincoln Road. This is a 10-block pedestrian esplanade with the best shopping, dining, nightlife and people-watching South Beach Miami has to offer. This hotel caters to the most discerning hotel guests, dignitaries and celebrities and includes features that you may not find anywhere else. The hotel has 375 luxurious guest rooms, including two poolside lanai wings in the style of early Miami Beach. It also provides more than 20,000 total square feet of exceptional South Beach meeting and conference facilities and a 16,000-square-foot Ritz-Carlton spa.This resort is a prime location, within walking distance to Miami's Ocean Drive, Lincoln Road and South Beach nightlife. The hotel went through a complete restoration of the original 1953, Morris Lepidus-designed, landmark South Beach Miami hotel in order to provide their customers with the luxurious experience associated with the Ritz Carlton name. The hotel is rated as a triple a diamond tier 4 hotel, making it the recipient of the highest rating award for a luxury hotel. Guest Room Features & Amenities400-450 square feet Views of the Atlantic Ocean, pool, and South Beach Contemporary, warm furnishings inspired by South Beach’s vibrant ocean destination with the luxuries of home, accented with colors of blue, sea mist green, and coral Generously sized desks iPod docking stations, with AM/FM clock radios In-room laptop-compatible safe Computer and fax hookups Multi-line telephones with hold button Choice of one king or two double beds Goose down and non-allergenic foam pillows Luxurious 100% cotton linens Sumptuous marble baths Suit, skirt and padded hangers Fully stocked mini refreshment bar Rollaway beds available ($50 per day) All rooms in our South Beach hotel are non-smokingProperty Features & Amenities The Ritz-Carlton Spa The Signature Shop Two restaurants, including upscale dining and casually chic oceanfront lounge dining Elevated outdoor pool and private day beds overlook the Atlantic Ocean $2 million original art collection featuring established and emerging artists 24-hour room serviceValet parking available at our Miami hotel: Daily $27 / Overnight $36 Limousine services available upon request Personal shoppers available up on requestIII. Balance scorecardThe balanced scorecard is a strategic planning and management system that is used extensively in the hotel industry to align business activities to the vision and strategy of the organization, improve internal and external communications, and monitor organization performance against strategic goals. The balanced scorecard has evolved from its early use as a simple performance measurement to a full strategic planning and management system. The â€Å"new†balanced scorecard transforms an organization’s strategic plan from an attractive but passive document into the â€Å"marching orders†for the organization on a daily basis.It provides a framework that not only provides performance measurements, but also helps planners identify what should be done and measured. It enables executives to truly execute their strategies. The Ritz Carlton uses this strategy and is comprised of some key basic concepts, which are Financial, Customer, lear ning and growth, and internal business processes. By adopting this crucial strategy, Ritz Carlton south beach will be able to create a consistent level of service and ensure a path of future growth.A. Service cultureWho We Are The Ritz Carlton separates itself from its competitors in the hospitality industry by offering experiences of exceptional quality. Our objective is to be considered the best luxury hotel brand in the world with each and every location personifying that goal to our customers. We build properties that are designed to take you away to a dream of unlimited possibilities and while also creating a service culture that is the best in the industry. Doing so allows Ritz Carlton to satisfy the needs and tastes of our customers, and to maintain our position as the world's premier luxury hospitality company.What We Believe Our greatest asset is our team. We do not label our staff with the term â€Å"employee†or â€Å"worker†because it takes a true team effort to provide the type of experience that the Ritz Carlton is world renown. We believe that each team member exemplifies that notion and proudly instills the image of Ritz Carlton to our customers. Our success depends on the work of our team and we will always be known as having the best team members in the land.How We Succeed We succeed when all the core components of the BSC are achieved. We must focus on the needs and desires of our customers while also maintaining a safe and surplus level of revenues and profits while minimizing our expenditures. We must account for our outside competitive set and deliver a product to our customers that cannot be matched.How We Behave We demonstrate our behavior through hard work, compassion, and a true love for what we do. We pride ourselves on having the best code of conduct policy which adheres to all state and federal guidelines while ensuring the happiness of our guests and team members.B. Balance Scorecard table (exhibit 1) â€Å"A br oad look†(Exhibit 2) â€Å"a detailed look into BSC†Perspectives Objectives Measures Target Initiatives/Actions Financial 1.Increase Revenue 2.Increase RevPAR 3.Increase profit margin 4. Minimize expenses P&L statement STAR reports Department operations reports Operating budget -Maintain RevPAR Index Achieve higher ADR, RevPAR and OCC% than comp set 30-40% profit -secure market share from competitors. -Maintain optimal ADR by appropriate revenue management – Up sell high margin services Customer -Customer service – No guest dissonance -Happy guests-Customer Satisfaction Repeat customers Referred customers -Online surveys -100% customer satisfaction – Repeat business -Loyalty-Monitoring social media -Mystery shoppers -Score cards with incentives to give any feedback -Creating internal network for sharing customer ifo between associates Internal Business Processes – Adherence to brands standards for operations processes – Following stand ard operation and billing procedures in the catering department -Service errors -Failure rates -Maintenance and renovation of physical assets – Guest complaints – Bill disputes-3ÃŽ ´ level of quality for all business processes – Less than 1% bill disputes -Hiring an Operations control manager – standardized Training for all employees -operating inventory cycle monitoring Learning and Growth – Grooming and retaining the best associates. – Shorter work hours and rested more attentive employees in catering department. – Internal Promotion – Turnover rate – Associate retention – Employee overtime – Employee burnout – Service satisfaction ratings for F&B department -70% promotion from within -turnover below 40% hourly & 10% managerial -5-15% overtime for F&B employees maximum -Developing effective training programs-Quarterly reviews and evaluations – Incentives for employees staying in the company -promotion from withinThe BSC tables shown in exhibit 1 and 2 highlight the objectives considered important for the Ritz Carlton at south beach to succeed. Due to the fact that it is a luxury property, the objectives considered in this table are aligned with strategies targeting upscale travelers with unique demands and needs. In a luxury hotel, the top line revenues and profits depend on the level of guest satisfaction.It is assumed that wealthy travelers are willing to pay a premium if all their needs and demands are satisfied. Thus exquisite hotels such as The Ritz Carlton depend directly on the level of satisfaction of their guests as well as the public perception of their brand name and property when setting room rates and other pricing strategies. With all being said it makes sense that such an emphasis is put on the level of service in this second exhibit of BSC.The balanced scorecard approach allows a hotel to asses what its biggest area of opportunity is to succeed and buil d upon that to better serve its customers worldwide. Financial and business process measures are taken into account to assure that the company is running at optimal efficiency and that money is being made at an acceptable rate. Although these measures are important, they would mean nothing without the loyalty, retention, and happiness of your team members. In this case, the Ritz Carlton is a luxury hotel, so focusing on the retention and overall happiness of your team members is what will ultimately benefit you the most.Companies make it a priority in finding and retaining top team members, but it is very difficult. This is why managers must acknowledge the presence of such members on their staff and make an effort to keep them in the company. The retention and development of these members is key in the success of the hotel. You must also understand that not every person is suited for the luxury service culture, so finding the best mix and combinations of team members will bode help ful in the long run. Training courses and a structured system for development should also be put in place to ensure a consistent service culture.A huge retention meter would be to offer employees incentive for their performance. This can be money based, recognition based, or promotion based. Internal promotion is a practice adopted by upscale properties more than many other types of hotels because the team member is battle tested. They have been brought up from within he/she has learned the company culture along the way and already has the attitude and approach needed to be successful. Another benefit is the fact that this person is familiar with a large portion of the hotels operations, making the transition easy to any department or manager role when needed.Maintaining and exceeding financial goals and measures are important to the short-term operational success of the hotel; however, the purpose of the Balanced Scorecard is to emphasize the importance of non-financial measures fo r the success of the business. By following this objective, you will create team member satisfaction, which will cause the customers to experience the full luxury experience, and it will all trickle down to the bottom line, which is increased revenue, and high profits from all departments.C. Strategy mapThe Strategy Map below shows how the four perspectives of the BSC influence each other and how the objectives in the bottom affect the ones above them. This ultimately leads to superior workforce effectiveness. Not only does this show workforce effectiveness, but also the overall guidelines to superior financial performance.IV. Operating Budget(See attached Excel document)Market segmentsThe Ritz Carlton at south beach differentiates its potential guests into 2 main market segments – corporate (business travelers) and leisure (vacationers).Corporate Luxury hotels have traditionally focused on the business traveler because of the amount of money they make and spend, and the freq uency of their visits to the property. However, many of the luxury brands including the Ritz, have shifted their focus to other segments. Business travelers rarely use all the amenities available to them at the resort, and restrict their visit to a â€Å"professional†exposure.Even with that known, Corporate business during high season is still considerably high. Luxury brands do not discount as much as their lower end neighbors. During low season the hotel can try to attract some large corporation meetings to offset other lost opportunities.Leisure Just as stated above, the leisure segment is picking up popularity each and every year and many luxury properties have concentrated their efforts in attracting these leisure guests, whose main purpose is to utilize wide array of services and products offered, thus generating additional revenue through the alternative revenue sources. (Unlike the business traveler). There are multiple types of subgroups within the leisure segment s uch as transient, and group rates.The transient rates vary depending on the time of year or season. For luxury hotels such as the Ritz Carlton, the rates can skyrocket in season, and fall drastically off-season. Group rates are tailored to meet the needs of different companies, charities, and other organizations with better pricing for bulk deals. Rooms Department – a P&L evaluationThe sample data below was fabricated to reflect similar numbers that is shown their most recently available STR report. The data is an approximation, but will show key patterns in ADR, RevPAR, Occupancy percentage, and revenues.Jan Feb March April ADR $649 $729 1399$ $679 OCC% 80% 88% 95% 85% RevPAR $519.20 $641.52 $1329.05 $577.15 Revenue $5,841,000 $6,735,960 $15,450,021 $6,492,93730 28 31 30May June July August ADR $329 $379 $389 $299 OCC% 60% 52% 55% 41% RevPAR $197.40 $197.08 $213.95 $122.59 Revenue $2,294,750 $2,217,150 $2,487,168 $1,379,13731 30 31 30Sept October Nov Dec ADR $319 $379 $399 $ 529 OCC% 49% 65% 68% 75% RevPAR $156.31 $246.35 $271.32 $396.75 Revenue $1,817,103 $2,863,818 $3,052,350 $4,612,21831 31 30 31CATEGORY YTD AVERAGES ADR $539 OCC% 68% REVPAR $405.72 REVENUE 4,573,634 total = 54,883,612From the data above, we can get a clear picture of how the different times of year affects the hotels key measures. Average Occupancy Levels for this segment have been estimated at 68%, which was estimated from the charts above. Many luxury hotels, including the Ritz Carlton, keep a relatively high occupancy through the year because of brand recognition and popularity. The ADR rates were estimated through the research of other competing properties in the area.The RevPAR was then calculated by multiplying the OCC% by the ADR. The RevPAR indicates how well the Revenue managers did in optimizing the financial performance of the hotel. Luxury hotels such as the Ritz Carlton typically stay away from the â€Å"price war†tactic of attracting business, but on slower mon ths, doing this may actually increase your revenues and all the other key measures. Food and beverageThe DiLido Beach ClubThe only oceanfront restaurant and lounge on South Beach with a relaxed, chic ambiance perfect for people-watching Ocean-table cuisine features a selection of fresh local seafood, small plates, salads, sandwiches and a selection of homemade sangria Home to special events including the Down-home, Beachfront Crab boil or D.B.C and the Far East Summer Nights 1 Hours of Operation:Open seven days a week from 12- 8 p.m.Lobby Bar A chic, relaxed but vibrant gathering spot designed for socializing, sipping cocktails, enjoying light bites and people watching, located in the hotel's upper lobby Live entertainment at this South Beach restaurant Friday and Saturday from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Signature cocktails by master mixologist Ramsey PimentelBistro One LR Contemporary American bistro infused with Spanish flavors. Specializing in fresh, local seafood and exceptional st eaks. Miami’s leading Sunday Brunch featuring delicious cuisine, unlimited mimosas, champagne, Bloody Mary’s and live entertainment every Sunday from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. 1 Hours of Operation:2 Breakfast: 7 a.m. – 11 a.m./Saturday and Sunday until 11:30 a.m. 3 Lunch: 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. 4 5 Dinner: 5 p.m. – 10 p.m.lapidus Lounge Lapidus Lounge, named after the famed architect Morris Lapidus – who designed the hotel when it was built in the 50s, serves specialty cocktails, light bites and sushi inside amongst the sophistication and poolside under the stars.CompetitionAlthough the Ritz Carlton has the name recognition and the luxurious fortitude to be the top dog in its competitive set, the hotel still has a few direct competitors in the south beach area of Miami. These hotels include:1. SLS hotel south beach 2. The W south beach 3. Bentley hotel south beach 4. Z ocean beach hotelThese hotels are direct competitors to the Ritz due to their similar p ricing strategy and their â€Å"suite style†rooms. These hotels do provide something that the Ritz cannot. Customized experiences. These hotels do not have the brand recognition and corporate structure so they can adapt to customer wants and needs on the fly. This is there main advantage in the marketplace. P & L overviewAfter careful review of the P&L statement, we can see that the rooms department generates the most total revenue for the hotel and food and beverage and Clubs and entertainment generate the rest of the revenue. Clubs and entertainment is very revenue driven, but lacks profit margin, so focusing on other areas is key for the Ritz. With the emergence of the Internet and mobile devices, it’s safe to say that telephone reservations are at an all time low, causing that department to bring in relatively low figures.The spa for the hotel is generally provided as a luxury for the guest but is not intended to be a moneymaking department for the hotel. Many tim es that service is deemed complimentary in which the hotel would incur a loss liter for that sale for the room. With fixed and overhead expenses being as high as they are, the key takeaway from this is to maximize the room revenue and profits by providing a luxurious experience through all of the other departments.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
20 Exploratory Essay Topics Meet the Variety of Ideas on Cultural Capital
20 Exploratory Essay Topics Meet the Variety of Ideas on Cultural Capital Cultural capital is a set of tangible and intangible assets that allow us power and social mobility. Cultural capital ensures that we could rise up the social ladder without having to worry about acquiring financial capital. There are countless aspects of culture capital that are worth discussing in an exploratory essay. Here are some of our top picks: Cultural Capital and Its Link to Social and Human Capital Is New York the Cultural Capital of the World? The Connection between Cultural Capital and Social Classes Cultural Capital and Educational Attainment Cultural Capital in Comparison to Other Forms of Knowledge Cultural Capital vs. Economic Capital Cultural Capital vs. Social Capital Cultural Capital and Its Impact on an Individual’s Health Cultural Capital and School Success: The Case of South Korea Examples of Cultural Capital Technology as a Cultural Capital Impacts of Cultural Capital on Student College Choice Process in China Cultural Capital and Graduate Student Success Cultural Capital and Power Circularity Can Colleges Build Cultural Capital? Creating Cultural Capital within the Nation Cultural Capital in the Field of Sports Cultural Well-Being Created Through Cultural Capital The State of Cultural Capital of Britain Today New Forms of Cultural Capital Sample Exploratory Essay on the Connection between Cultural Capital and Social Classes Cultural capital has been described and discussed in depth by Pierre Bourdieu. According to him, there are three parts to cultural capital: institutionalized, objectified and embodied cultural capital. Bourdieu also mentions that embodied cultural capital is divided as per three social classes: working class, middle class and upper class. Corresponding to a recent survey conducted by Alice Sullivan, cultural capital is acquired within one’s home, which in turn helps the individual achieve success. The first step of success is often gaining sufficient educational credentials. However, it seems that according to Bourdieu, different social classes have different degrees of education attainment. Unfortunately, this point has been stressed by many experts since then. This is problematic, since everybody deserves an equal chance of being educated and achieving success in the future. However, this gap in educational attainment can only be fixed one level at a time. The article written by Pierre Bourdieu that focused on cultural capital was issued in 1986. Along with him, many others have discussed how different social classes had varying cultural capital. This is worrisome in several ways; while one problem is related to education, others are connected to matters such as health. Pertaining to the education sector, over the decades it has been discussed how a fraction of pupils are underachievers, which is blamed on their lack of cultural capital such as etiquettes, manners, etc. Other experts have discussed how parents that have less cultural capital make decisions that are different from parents with higher cultural capital. For instance, working class parents do not educate their children as much as upper class parents. Furthermore, the working class generally cannot provide their children with supplies to aid in better education. Another example is that individuals from the working or middle class make different health choices, when compared to individuals from the upper class. I believe that our current generation and the future ones are in dire need of equality in terms of education, to achieve economic capital and help in eliminating poverty altogether. There are several ways in which all social classes could have the same level of education. For instance, institutes could try to promote education in all social classes. They could provide technology to every student in order to better educate them; a group of students having access to a computer and the Internet will have better knowledge than a group that does not have them. After doing some heavy research, I have found that many institutes wish to promote cultural capital within the students. As a matter of fact, early education is said to be promoted only to enhance the cultural capital in of the children. This sounds very promising in terms of producing better, knowledge-equipped batches of high school graduates, undergraduates and post-graduate students in the future. Not only will these students know how to be successful, they will also know how to make better choices regarding their health. Additionally, they will share their knowledge with others around them, in turn creating a better world to live in. References: Jennifer, S. (2012). New York, Cultural Capital of the World? Discuss. Alice, S. Nuffield College Oxford. Cultural Capital and Educational Attainment. Prudence L. Carter. Harvard University. â€Å"Black†Cultural Capital, Status Positioning, and Schooling Conflicts for Low-Income African American Youth. John H. Goldthorpe. â€Å"Cultural Capital†: Some Critical Observations. Lawrence E. Harrison. (2013). Jews, Confucians, and Protestants: Cultural Capital and the End of Multiculturism. Johanna L. Waters. (2008). Education, Migration, and Cultural Capital in the Chinese Diaspora. Arnd-Michael Nohl, Karin Schittenhelm, Oliver Schmidtke and Anja Weib. (2014). Work in Transition: Cultural Capital and Highly Skilled Migrants’ Passages into the Labour Market.
Monday, November 4, 2019
An Analysis of White Butterfly Essays - Ezekiel Easy Rawlins
An Analysis of White Butterfly In all of his books, Walter Mosley captures the environment and personalities of African Americans throughout post WWII history. His first book A Devil in a Blue Dress was met with instant acclaim. In this book he introduced one of the most unique sleuths that the literary world had seen. This 20th century Sherlock's name is Easy Rawlins. In each Easy Rawlins mystery, Mosley brings out a certain aspect of his protagonist's life and uses it as a subplot. In his third mystery, White Butterfly, Mosley looks at the relationship between Easy and his wife, Regina. The story starts off with Easy enjoying a quiet Saturday afternoon with his family. He has two children, Jesus and Edna. Jesus is a young Mexican boy who Rawlins took in and kept as his own. The young boy had been abused when he was young. In fact, he had been sold to a sick man as a sex object. As a result, Jesus was psychologically scarred. He does not speak a word to anyone, especially men. As Easy is resting on his porch, two plain clothes detectives pull up onto the Watts street in front of Rawlins' house. As they approach him, Easy knows that there is something big going on that he doesn't want to get into. The detectives, Quinten Naylor and Roland Hobbes, convince Easy to take a ride with them. The take him to a murder scene where a black prostitute has been brutally murdered. Since Easy is know for his work around the black community as a private detective, they ask for his help. Easy respectfully declines, even after Naylor tells him that two other girls h! ave been murdered by the same man. Easy is greatly shaken by these murders, so he heads to a local bar to drown his sorrows in alcohol. He heads home to his waiting wife, who notices that he is inebriated. He then proceeds to rape his wife; all the while thinking that she is willing. This is highly important because it is the beginning of the subplot involving Easy and his wife. In the morning, Easy wakes up to a quiet house. His wife is preparing breakfast and does not notice him. Easy walks up to her, not knowing what happened the previous night and tries to talk to her. When Regina informs Easy that he raped her, Easy replies, "Man cain't rape his own wife". This is the beginning of the end for this relationship. Later on that day, after everyone has left the house, Easy is again visited by Naylor and Hobbes. This time, though, they bring friends. Along with the tow detectives is the LA police chief and one of the mayor's aides. Apparently the same murderer who killed the three black women has! now killed a white woman. Here we see the blatant racism of the era. No one cared as long as black women were being killed, but now that a white woman has been killed, the city is in an uproar. Easy, being the man that he is, lets the policemen know just that. He refuses to help the police find the killer again. This time, though, the chief of police threatens to arrest Easy's best friend Mouse. Easy has no choice but to help. He goes out that night to various brothels and finds out a promising lead to the murderer. He relays that information to the police and returns home for the night. Regina is waiting for Easy once again, and asks him why he doesn't talk to her about his past. Easy has led quite a checkered life, doing favors for people here and there. He is also quite rich, but he doesn't let anyone know this. Easy, being the communicative man that he is, doesn't tell his wife a thing. Yet another wedge is being driven into the gap forming between Easy and Re! gina. That night Easy receives a call from Mouse's lady friend. Mouse has been arrested. Easy rushes down to the police station and bails Mouse out. While doing this he runs into Quinten Naylor who lets Easy know that information is not enough. He must track down
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Arg Synthesis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Arg Synthesis - Essay Example Additionally, the paper will define global warming. Consequently, it will analyze the causes of global warming and SDSU’s commitment in honoring the climate action plan (CAP). Global warming is primarily defined as the amplification and rise in earth’s temperature because of fossil fuels, industrial pollution and agricultural practices by human beings, and natural gas emissions (Chapin III et al, 1991). Due to these factors, greenhouse gases are emitted into the atmosphere in large quantities. Short wave solar radiations are absorbed into the earth hence increasing its surface temperature. According to experts, greenhouse gases are the main cause of the rise of the earth’s temperature. Greenhouse gases increase the heat trapping ability of the earth. The major causes of global warming are divided into two groups; man-made causes and natural causes. Natural causes are the factors amplified by nature. For example, the emission of methane gas from frosty tundra and wetlands is an example of a natural cause. Methane gas traps heat in the earth’s atmospheres hence raising earth’s temperature. As such, it is a greenhouse gas. Meanwhile, man-made causes result from human activities on the surface of the earth. Man-made effects are the major cause of global warming. Pollution is the major cause of global warming. It results from coal, fossil fuels or oil burning pollutes the environment by releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Also, methane gas is released into the atmosphere when human beings excavate fossil fuels or minerals. The increase in the human population is another significant cause of global warming. A higher population means more transportation methods are needed, which translates to more fossil fuels b eing mined and burned hence increasing methane gas in the atmosphere (Cox et al, 2000). Additionally, an increase in population means more land is being cleared for farming and settlements. This has an impact
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