Saturday, January 25, 2020
Types of Mathematics and Engineering
Types of Mathematics and Engineering Engineering: Engineering is the word that does not have proper definition. Every person thinks with different point of view so create different definition but most commonly used definition of engineering is, this is the practical application of science to commerce or industry. As we know that the work of scientist is to know, the engineer to do i.e. the engineer brings the knowledge from science to solve the problems. Engineering also give account of costs, safety, performance and limitations of the given resources. Mathematics: Mathematics is defined as the study of quantities and relations with the help of numbers and symbols. So, mathematics and engineering work together as they are right hand to each other because engineering uses mathematical operations in calculation of their projects. Mathematics is very famous in modern industry. So, mathematics is found in every sector of the job market as in engineering research, telecommunications, computer services and software, energy systems, computer manufacturers, aerospace and automotive, chemicals and pharmaceuticals, and government laboratories, among others. Different types of mathematics Geometry Trigonometry Calculus I and II Linear Algebra Differential Equations Statistics. 1) Geometry:Geometry ( geo = earth, metria = measure) is a part of mathematics deals with the size, shape, relative position of figures and also includes solving of space. Geometry is one of the oldest sciences we use till now. FIG; Representation of different shapes 2) Trigonometry: Algebra is the branch of mathematics concern with the study of rules of operations and the things constructed from them, including terms, polynomials, equations and algebraic structures. It works with the geometry, analysis, topology, combinatory, and number theory, algebra is the one of the most important part of the mathematics. Statements based on these variables are solved by using the rules of operations that apply to numbers, eg: multiply, subtraction, addition, etc. FIG: A polynomial equation 3) Calculus: Calculus (It is a Latin word, calculus, a small stone used for counting) is a branch in mathematics works on limits, functions, derivatives, integrals and infinite series. This part of mathematics deals with a major part of modern mathematics education. It is divided into two major branches, differential calculus and integral calculus. It is the study of change occurs on the limits, same as that of geometry which is the study of shapes and algebra is the study of change, in the same way that geometry is the study of shape and algebra is the study of operations and their application to solving equations. Calculus is very much used in science, economics and engineering and can solve using calculus we cant imagine its solution without calculus. Differential Equations Integral Calculus 4) Linear Algebra: Linear algebra is a branch of mathematics deals with the study of vectors, vector spaces (also called linear spaces), linear maps (also called linear transformations), and systems of linear equations. Vector spaces are the very important part in modern mathematics; thus, linear algebra is widely used in both abstract algebra and functional analysis. 5) Differential Equations: A differential equations are the mathematical equations for unknown functions of one or more variables that relate the values of the functions by itself and its derivatives. Differential equations play a very important role in physics, engineering, economics and other subjects of science. Differential equations are use in almost every area of science and technology. Newtons Laws also use differential equations which allow one to relate the position, velocity, acceleration and various forces acting on the body and state this relation as a differential equation for the unknown position of the body as a function of time. 6) Statistics: Statistics is the part of mathematics, as it is basically the science of making good and efficient use of numerical data related to groups of individual numeric. It basically deals with not only the collections, analysis and interpretations of the collected data, but also the planning of the collection of data. Different types of engineering are: Computer science engineering. Chemical engineering. Civil engineering. Mechanical engineering. Electrical engineering. Aerospace engineering. Electrochemical engineering. Nuclear engineering. Marine engineering. Architectural engineering. Environmental engineering. Let us discuss them separately: 1) Computer science engineering: All computer programs do some form of counting as a small part of a task. Counting a hundred items does not take a long time, even without a computer but some computers may have to count a billion items or more. If the counting is not done efficiently, it may take days for a program to finish a report which may take few minutes to check. For example, when we want to find winning lottery ticket numbers of all lottery tickets. There are various techniques, and tools, etc. commonly used in software. Examples include: Boolean Algebra Object Oriented Programming Data Structures (lists, sets, queues, stacks, etc.) Algorithms (sorting, searching, traversing, etc.) Relational Theory Set Theory Type Theory The above examples are based on mathematical calculations. 2) Chemical engineering: Mathematics is very useful in preparing various components of compounds, as compounds are made of different chemicals so addition of chemicals are properly measured and the quantity to be put are calculated by different mathematics forms, as follow: Geometry Trigonometry Calculus I and II Linear Algebra Differential Equations Statistics. 3) Civil Engineering: Civil engineering also cannot move without mathematics as this engineering also includes various types of calculations for a work to be going on. For example: We must calculate how much strength a straight bar will bear (like a bridge) before breakage. How much weight can a cable of c amount of strands take before it pulls apart? The branch mathematics used in this engineering is as follow: Geometry Differential Equations Relational Theory Statistics. 4) Mechanical engineering: The main work of mechanical industry is manufacture industrial machinery, consumer products, and etc. They may make sketches and rough layouts, record and analyze data, make calculations and estimates and all the above things need mathematics. This engineering also includes topics as thermodynamics, heat transfer, fluid mechanics, machine design and mechanics of materials, manufacturing, system dynamics, numerical modeling, vibrations, turbo machinery, combustion, heating, ventilating, and air conditioning which also needs physics which is based on math. The different forms of mathematics which mechanical engineering want are as follows: Calculus 1, 2, and 3 Linear Algebra Differential Equations. 5) Electrical engineering: Mathematics is also very helpful in electrical engineering. As preparation of circuits consist of many calculations if we want efficient circuit to be placed. Mathematics is helpful as follows: a) Modeling and study of electric circuits using mathematical differential equations of first, second and higher orders. b) The design of system such as filters using Laplace and Z transforms. c) Electrical applications for motion using special equations. So, this engineering follows following branches of mathematics: Arithmetic Algebra Geometry Calculus Differential equations Complex analysis Probability and statistics. For example: 5 gauge wires can carry an amount of current, with a loss of b over c distance. How much wire of that size can we have to lay before we lose too much current for specific circuit? 6) Aerospace engineering: The aerospace engineering is for manufacturing and maintenance of aircraft and space vehicles. This engineering uses computer and communication systems. So, this engineering includes all the branches of math which are included in computer engineering and mechanical engineering. They are: Calculus 1,2,3 Linear Algebra Differential Equations. 7) Electrochemical Engineering: The electrochemical engineering is the engineering which is the combination of both electrical as well as chemical engineering. So, this engineering also needs various operations and calculations for production of various components used in different products. 8) Nuclear engineering: The nuclear industry consist of various tasks such as production, handling, and use of nuclear fuel and the safe disposal of waste produced by the generation of nuclear energy To be a nuclear engineer a person need to have proper knowledge of physics, computer, chemistry and mathematics so, in short a person should have proper knowledge of all fields of science including mathematics. 9) Marine Engineering: As we know that this engineering is related to Ships sailing in the oceans and seas. Ships has to find their way in the water by measuring the directions as there are no mile stones in water as on land. To find out the direction lots of calculations has to be done which need mathematics. The location of the ship is finding out by use of mathematics with combination of physics. 10) Architectural Engineering: Architectural Engineering is a type pf engineering which is used to construct, plan and design of buildings and other structures. So, these work cant be completed without using calculations and calculations use mathematics. Suppose if an engineer has to design bridge it ahs to do various calculations, we do have formula for calculating strength of bridge S=C(1-e^-kt) Where S=strength of bridge C=Constant k=Constant t=time 11) Environmental Engineering: This engineering is related to the developing methods and devices used in controlling, preventing the environmental disasters. In this the scientist and environmental engineers check and develop equipment related to air pollution and recycling of waste products. Water is also inspected and water treatments are also developed. The all above mention work need lots and lots of mathematical calculations. As inspection of various environmental disasters need calculation and there remedies also dont go without calculations. So, again mathematics is used here. Conclusion: So, from our above discussion we concluded that engineering is very broad branch and mathematics plays a very important role in it. As I had already discussed the use of mathematics in engineering. We have to do calculations in almost every engineering to some or large extend.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Tjs Product Mix
Summary of the Problem: TJ’s, Inc. , makes three nut mixes for sale to grocery chains located in the Southeast. The three mixes, referred as the Regular Mix, Deluxe Mix, Holiday Mix. Now TJ’s is committed to using the available nuts to maximize profit of the fall seasons, and they must satisfy the received orders. Problem Solving Approach: This problem was solved using Excel Solver LP Programming. The decision variables are pounds of each type of Mix. The objective function was a formula of profit contribution for each Mix.The constraints are the nuts purchased the following shipment and the orders that need to be satisfied. The following summarizes the variables and coefficients of the mathematical model: Variable or CoefficientUnit of MeasureDescription RPoundsPounds of Regular Mix DPoundsPounds of Deluxe Mix HPoundsPounds of Holiday Mix DescriptionRegularDeluxe HolidayShipment amountCost per shipment Orders (Pounds)1000030005000 Almond Consist percentage0. 15 0. 20 0 . 25 60007500 Brazil Consist percentage0. 5 0. 20 0. 15 75007125 Filbert Consist percentage0. 25 0. 20 0. 15 75006750 Pecan Consist percentage0. 10 0. 20 0. 25 60007200 Walnut Consist percentage0. 25 0. 20 0. 20 75007875 Profit (Dollars) ( Not include cost of nuts) 1. 6522. 25 The following is the mathematical formulation of the problem: Maximize1. 65R+2D+2. 25HObjective function Subject to: 0. 15R+0. 2D+0. 25H= 10000 Deluxe 10625>= 3000 Holiday5000>= 5000 Constrains2Nuts Used Available Almond6000
Thursday, January 9, 2020
An Assignment on a Marketing Research Proposal - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1165 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Marketing Essay Type Case study Did you like this example? ASSIGNMENT ON MARKETING RESEARCH PROPOSAL Table of Content CONTENT Pg No. Executive Summary 3 Background 3 Problem Definition 3 Approach to the Problem 4 Research Design 4 Field/Data Collection 5 Data Analysis 5 Cost and Time 5 Validity and Reliability of Market Research 6 Appendix 7 Reference 8 Executive Summary I have prepared this report proposal on an airline company called Oman Air. In this report you will find a compact profile on Oman Air. In this report I am considered as the market researcher of Sirius Marketing and Social Research Ltd. Here Oman Air has assigned me as their market researcher to find a solution of their problem which is nowadays the airline company is not getting that much response in their issuing of tickets. In this report you will find the data collection methods, broad components of my research problem, data analysis and the full planning of my research methods. Sirius Marketing and Social Research Ltd. is taking Tk 200,000 for doing this research from Oman Air and the company is willing to pay the money to the research company on the basis of the companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s goodwill. Background Oman Air can trace its root back to 1970, when Oman International Services (OIS) was established. The company became a civil aircraft ground h andling provider atBeit Al Falaj Airport.In 1972, OIS moved its operations to the new terminal atSeeb International Airport. The company took overGulf Airà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Light Aircraft Division in 1977, before establishingAircraft Engineering Divisionin the same year. Swiftly expanding civil aviation industry of Oman led OIS to the building of several facilities à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" including workshops, hangers and in-flight catering à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" to provide for the increase in their activity. Oman Air was completely established in 1981. But nowadays the airline company is not getting that much response in their issuing of tickets. For example, even in the last year 2013 they had 70 lakh tickets booked but in this year of 2014 till now they have got only 20 lakh tickets booked. Problem Definition Till now Oman Air has a good reputation but gradually losing their customers is not normal for the company. The possible reasons for losing their customers may be their air hostessà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s behaviour towards the customers in the flight became bad or is not good as before and the airline company is using old aircrafts which was arising technical issues. Approach to the Problem Nowadays as the company Oman Air is losing customers and having a loss in their company they wanted Sirius Marketing and Social Research Ltd. to find a solution for it. The possible solutions to the problem can be they can re-train the air hostesses to make their behaviour good with the customers. They can use the stored money which Oman Air has for future use and buy new aircrafts or repair the technical problems. Research problems Questions: Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "An Assignment on a Marketing Research Proposal" essay for you Create order Is Oman Air using old aircrafts which is unsafe for the customers? H1: Yes they are using old aircrafts which is very unsafe for the customers. H2:No they are not using any old aircrafts which is unsafe for the customers. Are the air hostesses of Oman Air misbehaving with their customers? H1: Yes the air hostesses are misbehaving with the customers H2: No the air hostesses are not misbehaving with the customers. Research Design I am considered as the market researcher of Sirius Marketing and Social Research Ltd. Here Oman Air has assigned me as their market researcher to find a solution of their problem which is nowadays the airline company is not getting that much response in their issuing of tickets. In this report you will find that descriptive research is done to solve this problem. To solve this problem I did a questionnaire survey on the customers of Oman Air. The questionnaire survey was completely based on random sampling. The questionnaire is attached in the appendix. Basically the research is done to make an improvement in Oman Air so that their level of customers will reach to the previous level. Field/Data Collection I am considered as the market researcher of Sirius Marketing and Social Research Ltd. Here Oman Air has assigned me as their market researcher to find a solution of their problem which is nowadays the airline company is not getting that much response in their issuing of tickets. Sirius Marketing and Social Research Ltd. is taking Tk 200,000 for doing this research from Oman Air and the company is willing to pay the money to the research company on the basis of the companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s goodwill. To do the research I am using primary research method and doing qualitative questionnaire survey using random sampling. I am also using secondary information to study about the company. Data Analysis To bring a solution to Oman Airà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s problem after gathering the information or data I used analysis methods like hypothesis, multivariate analysis and etc. After doing the analysis the research will be completed and will be able to present a solution to the company. Cost and Time When talking about cost Sirius Marketing and Social Research Ltd. is taking Tk 200,000 for doing this resea rch from Oman Air and the company is willing to pay the money to the research company on the basis of the companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s goodwill and another reason for which the company agreed to pay this amount is that it rather than other companies Sirius Marketing and Social Research Ltd. is wanting less money. The research company will do this research within 2 months and this is very convenient for Oman Air. The research company will keep Tk 120,0000 for their company and will use Tk 80,000 for the research. Validity and Reliability of Market Research Validity and Reliability is very important to maintain for research firms. Here I can show validity and reliability of the primary data which is the questionnaire survey for which I gathered photographs of the interviewer and the customers during the questionnaire and secondary source by showing them from where I collected the data. I chose to collect both primary and secondary data cause primary data is most of the time authen tic as it is always collected for known purpose and secondary data are always easy to collect as they are already collected before. Appendix QUESTIONNAIRE SURVEY FOR OMAN AIR TO THE CUSTOMERS Please give a tick mark on the blank space. Are you happy about Oman Airà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s service? Yes_ No_ Are the airline giving you enough satisfaction while travelling? Yes_ No_ Is Oman Airà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s staff behaving welcomingly with you? Yes_ No_ Do you find the price of the flightà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s ticket efficient? Yes_ No_ While travelling do you find the flightà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s environment comfortable? Yes_ No_ Do the cruises working in the plane fulfil your necessities while travelling? Yes_ No_ Reference oman air. 1981.oman air. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 15 May 2014]. oman air. 1981.oman air. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 15 May 2014] oman air. 1981.oman air. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 15 May 2014]. Malhotra, Naresh K., 2011.Marketing Research. 6 th ed. India: Pearson. 1
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
The United States Should Promote Democracy - 998 Words
I affirm Resolved: The United States ought to promote democracy in the Middle East Democracy is a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, and is one with representative institutions and a rule of law. Observation 1: when we talk about promoting democracy, there are many ways to carry out this promotion. The United States is not obligated to take one course of action. Rather, the US can alter and adjust its approach to what is most suitable for that situation. Different tools might be appropriate at different points of time as well as differing based on the severity of the situation. The value is Justice, defined as giving each his due, for two reasons: 1) We are debating about what specifically nations and citizens within that nation, specifically those in the Middle East, are due and what they deserve. 2) The resolution specifically asks about the obligation of the US, and obligations stem from justice and giving each his due. The value criterion is protecting Liberty for two reasons: 1) Liberty is in inalienable right of each and every person, and is the pre-political concept that gives us intrinsic worth. 2) Freedom gives us the ability to choose our actions and take them accordingly, and we are debating the actions most appropriate for the US. Contention 1: Promoting democracy protects the liberty of the citizens of the Middle East and US Sub point A: Promoting democracy reduces terrorism Sam Choi from theShow MoreRelatedDemocracy in Afghanistan1662 Words  | 7 PagesConverting Afghanistan into a democracy should be a major priority of the United States for many reason, one being, it would open up trade with the country. Democratic states tend to be more open to trade, trade to a greater extent, and have less trade barriers. This is because democratically elected leaders open up trade as it benefits the people they govern, which boosts their popularity1. 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